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Why Living Green Today Is Important, Interview with Shan Fazeli


When people tell us to recycle or conserve water, we know we should do it… but it’s easy to forget in our busy lives.

The city still lights up at night, we still buy new things, we still use all of our electronics, we still drive and wash our luxury cars,… there seems to be a disconnect between what we are able to do today and what some parts of the world (including the USA) are currently experiencing.

We can consider ourselves lucky to have all of our basic needs met and not feel the negative effects of environmental scarcity in our own lives today. However reaping these benefits are just part of an illusion of never-ending natural resources, just as if we had a magic money tree in our backyard that took care of all of our financial needs.

If we do not change our habits of consumption today, we can look forward to the promise of a reduced quality of life. Living a sustainable “green” lifestyle is priority in maintaining a quality life, just as safety laws are enforced to protect us from harm. Reducing, Reusing, Recycling and Conserving our natural and man-made resources is an active and ongoing process for sustainability.

So how can we live “green” in a modern world of convenience? KIRN Radio Iran speaks with Shan Fazeli host of Mehr-E Giah, (Tuesdays from 7pm – 9pm), on how we are being affected by a distressed environment, and what we can do today to actively create renewable change.

KIRN 670am: Briefly tell us about your background in environmental issues?
Fazeli: My passion for saving the World and Mother Nature from Mankind began when I was a young man and I was hiking and walking long distance in the Damavand area outside of Tehran, also in the Alborz mountain area in Iran. In the past, I have attended numerous local, national and international environmental meetings and conferences including but not limited to The 2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC), commonly known as the COPENHAGEN SUMMIT, which included the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) as well as the 5th Meeting of the Parties (MOP5) to the Kyoto Protocol.

I reported the events of the UNFCCC to 670 AM KIRN Radio Iran live from Copenhagen in 2009 and from Cancun Mexico in 2010. Over 150 countries including USA attended both events.

KIRN 670am: What is going on with this extreme weather, rainy one day and then hot the next?
Sub-Zero Temperatures Put Chicago Into Deep Freeze

Fazeli: The study of “extreme weather” may or may not be related to Climate Change. In fact, a United Nations report says 2013 “extreme” weather events are due to human induced climate change. The World Meteorological Organization’s annual assessment confirms 2013 was the 6th warmest year on record. Also, 13 out of 14 of the warmest years have occurred in the 21st century.

KIRN 670am: What in your opinion causes the most pollution in the cities? Is it cars? factories? or something else?

Fazeli: It is the burning of fossil gases (coal, oil, and natural gas) in industry, transportation systems including cars, trucks, and buses and the generation of electricity. This releases carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases which cause the pollution in the cities.

We can stop it by moving to renewable energy sources such as Solar, Wind, Water, Hydro, Tidal & Wave, etc.

KIRN 670am: How does global warming effect weather?

Fazeli: Global warming occurs when we have increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere which traps the heat. The increased greenhouse gases including the carbon dioxide (CO2) is unable to cope within the “Carbon Cycle” at all. This potentially causes a rise in sea level, leading to storm surges and coastal flooding among other damages.

KIRN 670am: We keep hearing about a water shortage in California, also worldwide, how serious is it?

Fazeli: Water shortage in California as well as around the world is “Extremely” serious.
california-droughtCalifornia, USA


In the past, people have died over wars of water in California and around the world. The civilizations have risen and fallen over the last several thousand of years far more than oil. The control of water wealth throughout history has been pivotal to the rise and fall of great powers.

As modern societies run short of its most indispensable resources and the planet’s renewable water ecosystem grows depleted, an explosive new fault line is dividing humanity into water Haves and Have-nots. Just look at California, after three years of drought, dozens of towns and cities have imposed mandatory water rationing and a half million acres in the country’s agricultural breadbasket are lying fallow. This reminds one of an old saying, “Whiskey is for drinking, water is for fighting.”

KIRN 670am: What are some ways we can conserve water on a daily basis?

Fazeli: Conserve water, Conserve water, Conserve water. Stop running water when brushing your teeth, water should not be running when you shampoo your hair. Ask the restaurant staff not to serve water unless you request it. Listen to Mehre Gyiah radio show every Tuesday from 7 pm for more tips and information.

KIRN 670am: How often should I use the washing machine or dishwasher?

Fazeli: Use your washing machine/dishwasher only when FULLY loaded and run it after 11 pm.

KIRN 670am: What steps can we take to help us live a sustainable life today in 2014?

Fazeli: Start with “baby” steps. Change your lifestyle from a waste culture, from a habit to consume, to eventually conservation. REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE.

KIRN 670am: What do you think is our biggest threat (locally or globally) if we continue to pollute the environment?

Fazeli: We will destroy our planet and the future of our children and grand children.

KIRN 670am: Can we reverse global warming through sustainability (living green)?

Fazeli: The journey of a Thousand Miles start with first step. Begin a “Sustainable” life style today. Tomorrow is too late.

KIRN 670am: Is there any thing else you’d like to add about our connection to the environment?

Fazeli: I see Earth as sacred and believe that every generation has the duty as well as the obligation to preserve and protect the Earth and its environment. Leave a cleaner/greener planet for future generations. Sad to say that the past and current generations have often neglected and/or overlooked the subject of Environment & Mother Nature.

We should change our life style, love the Earth and be a caring child for Mother Nature.

Shan Fazeli at United Nations Conference

Listen to Shan Fazeli, MEHR-E GIAH KIRN 670am Tuesdays 7 – 9pm

April 22nd 2014 is Earth Day
…okay every day is Earth day and it’s our theme all month long! As much as we enjoy the digital world with it’s paperless and instant communication, we still feel the effects of our earthly presence. What can we do? There are many ways we can help with the preservation of our environment and improving the quality of our lives, from social action to recycling our glass and aluminum containers, to using our tote bags when shopping for groceries. Mehr E Gyiah KIRN Radio Iran’s own Shan Fazeli takes a larger view of the environment, he believes that the study of History & Mother Nature is a road that links the past to the present which ultimately affects mankind’s future. He is the author of Mehr E Gyiah, a Persian – English journal about environmental issues facing humanity and a call for the protection and caring of our planet. Every action towards a greener world helps. In fact all the small actions such as re-using a tote bag, or putting all your recyclables in one bin, and reducing water use – make a huge impact! Here are just a few facts about the 3 R’s from

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Green Facts
• Creating a new aluminum can from scratch takes 95% more energy than making a can from recycled aluminum.
• Making a ton of paper from recycled stock saves up to 17 trees and uses 50% less water than making paper from virgin fiber.
• Only 10% of the energy used by an incandescent bulb produces light; the rest is given off as heat.
• If every household in the United States replaced just one package of virgin fiber napkins with 100% recycled ones, we could save 1 million trees.
• In the average home, 40% of all electricity used to power home electronics is consumed while the products are turned off. Across the US, this equals the annual output of 17 power plants.
• If you replace just one out of four of your light bulbs with fluorescents, you can save about 50% on your lighting bill.
• A leaky faucet can waste up to 20 gallons of water per day, and a leaking toilet can waste up to 200 gallons a day.
• Swapping 16 incandescent bulbs for compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFL) saves emissions equivalent to taking a car off the road for a year.
• Almost 40% of America’s waste is paper and could be recycled, meaning fewer trees cut down.
• A standard-sized home solar energy system decreases monthly home energy bills by 40%-60%.
• If every American replaced just one light bulb with an Energy Star compact fluorescent light bulb (CFL), the energy saved could light more than 2.5 million homes for a year.
• A family of four using low-flow showerheads instead of full-flow models can save about 20,000 gallons of water per year.

Mehr e Gyiah with Shan Fazeli on KIRN670am Tuesdays 7-9 pm